By Manuel Rosales
Former Associate Administrator, SBA, former banker, and former member of the Republican National Committee.
Jobs in “The Oil Patch” for US Citizens of Mexican Ancestry. */
Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Louisiana comprise “The Oil Patch”. The advance of technologies like hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” and liquefied natural gas (LNG), provide a major source of energy for the United States of America. More recently, there have been very large discoveries of oil and natural gas reserves in the Permian Basin which reaches these Southwestern states, heavily populated by United States citizens of Mexican ancestry. */ LNG export revenues are also significant in addition to the traditional extraction and distribution of petroleum and natural gas. Liquefied natural gas refineries are located in Texas and in Louisiana. These will create jobs and provide sources of export revenue and also sources of inexpensive domestic energy. This means jobs with good pay and benefits for Hispanics, especially those in the Southwestern states.
In short, fracking has made the United States energy independent and has freed us from the bonds of the Middle East Oil Cartel and costly military entanglements in “Endless Wars”.
Energy Jobs for Hispanics
The total energy job opportunities are projected to amount to over 1.9 million over the next 20 years. The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) publishes an annual report on energy job opportunities on a state-by-state basis. This is broken down by job types, requirements and pay scales.
Demographics in the Oil Patch -The Numbers
The Oil Patch has a large percentage of the Hispanic population in the Southwestern states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and Oklahoma. These potential energy employees are largely United States citizens of Mexican ancestry. */ Their percentages of the total population in these states ranges from 47% in one state to 38% in another, 31% to 28%, and 21% in the other Southwest states. These Hispanics comprise the labor pool from which to fill the jobs created in the energy industries. Because of high fertility rates (not attributable to migration) these percentages will continue to increase. By 2050, the US Hispanic population will comprise 30% of the total US population. It is safe to say that the energy industry and the Southwestern Hispanic population are “joined at the hip” to preserve our energy independence and economic prosperity for the long term. We are partners.
Below are the job opportunities projected over the next two decades for Hispanics, primarily US citizens of Mexican ancestry in the Southwestern states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Colorado. This is because of the large percentage who live in the Oil Patch.
31.5%. Hispanic workers are projected to be hired for jobs across all segments, which is 31.5% of the total job opportunities, or 576,000 jobs for Hispanics. In addition, women are expected to receive 290,600 of the job opportunities or 20.5%.
• 53% of the total projected job opportunities will be in trades jobs.
Sources, American Petroleum Institute, July, 2020and Permian Strategic Partnership, 2020.
Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP)
The Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP) will play a critical role in job creation in the next twenty years. The Board of Directors has pledged $100Million to help supply the labor to meet the needs of the Permian Basin over the next twenty years. A large component of the PSP is job placement in the energy industries. PSP is chaired by Don Evans, former Secretary of Commerce. PSP has a dedicated staff for recruiting workers to fill energy jobs. Us Citizens of Mexican ancestry in the Southwestern states should contact PSP to get hired.
The Southwest Sunbelt creates jobs in Solar and Wind Power.
Renewable energy jobs in the Southwest will experience robust growth at least until 2050 and beyond. Given the number of sun days per year, and ample wind days, and vast land resources among the stakeholders, the Southwest offers multiple job opportunities to United States citizens of Mexican ancestry. */ The growth of solar and wind power will continue a robust and steady growth in the near term and the long term. This means more good paying jobs, like solar panel installers, for Hispanics in the Southwestern states.
Compare and Contrast the Choices
The Republican energy platform is based on free market principles, energy independence, and an “All-the-Above” comprehensive policy.
In conclusion, “fracking” is the Golden Goose laying the eggs of United States energy independence. It will provide hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs to United States citizens of Mexican ancestry in the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and Oklahoma. In addition, fracking will keep the price of natural gas, electricity, and gasoline relatively flat for the US consumer and US businesses.
In contrast, “The Green New Deal” and the Democrat platform for 2020 “will kill the Golden Goose”. Bills introduced by Senator Markey and Congressman Cortez plan to “Ban fracking on Day One”. Senator Sanders’ platform will ban fracking and end the use of fossil fuels by executive fiat. This will impose Trillions of dollars of taxes on US citizens and guarantee a return to reliance on Middle East Cartel oil and entanglement in military conflicts and “Endless Wars.”
The choice is a clear one for US citizens of Mexican ancestry in the Southwestern states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Colorado. This vote offers good paying jobs to 2050, when the Hispanic population will comprise 30% of the total US population and provide the leadership and manpower to continue energy independence and free market prosperity.
*/ Only United States citizens can vote on November 3, 2020. Foreigners, which means Illegal Aliens, cannot vote. That is against the rule of law, and against the US Constitution.
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