Chicken Ranch Casino Resort Grand Opening

The Chicken Ranch Tribal Leaders and Casino Managers are hatching up a grand celebration with the opening of the new Chicken Ranch Casino Resort in Jamestown,on July 15th. The $325 Million Dollar, one-of-a-kind resort, is replacing the original Chicken Ranch Casino, which opened in 1985 as a Bingo Hall.
In1985, the Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians received federal recognition as an autonomous Native American Tribe of California, which provided them the opportunity to open the Chicken Ranch Casino. Since that time, the Me-Wuk Tribal Leaders have not looked back.

“The Bingo Hall opened on May 30,1985 and became one of the first Native Bingo Halls” stated Lloyd Mathiesen, Tribal Chairman. “Initially, it was not a money maker. Sometimes, my grandfather and his brothers, had to use their own money to cover some of the Jackpots that people would win.”
When asked how the Chicken Ranch Casino got its name, he said, “Back in the 1900’s, there was a representative from the DIA, (Department of Indian Affairs) who showed up to the reservation asked what their names were. But he could not understand what they said. So, he told them that since they lived on Chicken Ranch Road, from that time on, they would be known as Chicken Ranch Rancheria.”
Since 1985, Chicken Ranch has expanded the bingo hall, adding a medical clinic and hotel, in addition to their new Tribal government.
The existing Chicken Ranch Casino features 30,000 square-feet, 600 slot machines, 9 table games and a bingo hall. The new Chicken Ranch Casino Resort will have 100,000 square feet with 900 slot machines and 12-14 table games, a Cyber Quest arcade, a 197-room hotel with a rooftop pool, and a conference center.
In addition to his role with the Chicken Ranch Casino, Mathiesen also oversees any legal and Tribal Land initiatives. For example, recently the Chicken Ranch Casino had to go to bat against the State of California, to protect Chicken Ranch Casino’s interests.
The State of California wanted to amend the existing 1999 Compact with the Me-Wuk Indians in State of California’s favor to the detriment of Chicken Ranch Casino and the Me-Wuk Tribe. Mathiesen reiterated his stance, “We are not adding more state laws to our compact. That is not how this works, we have our right to self- govern.”
When the State of California said that they could provide more machines, so that the Chicken Ranch Casino could make more money, he went onto say, “Money is not our motivator. We are self-determined and that is what we want. This is our sovereignty, and no amount of money is going to change that.” They went to war and won.
Now it’s time to celebrate! When people walk into the new Chicken Ranch Casino Resort, many people get the “Wow” factor! Most people don’t believe it. It has the glamour of Las Vegas, but the panoramic view and the beauty of the Sierra Mountains, which is breath taking. They are on a mission to change the face of today’s conventional Casino Resort, and they do not disappoint. You will experience the best-in-class service, in a one-of-a-kind atmosphere. This is a grand opening that you don’t want to miss!

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