In summary:
If the bargain over water from the Delta is to be truly “Grand,” let’s get everyone’s best ideas, not just the powerful water interests.
By Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Stockton
Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla is executive director of Restore the Delta.
Re “Gov. Newsom must clarify his Delta tunnel plan”; Commentary, Aug. 25, 2020
Former Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt calls for “a ‘Grand Bargain’ in which all the parties achieve a consensus, confirmed in legislation, to apportion Delta water between exports and an adequate ecological flow to San Francisco Bay.”
We agree. Let’s start with a statewide water audit. Leadership now asks, “How much was promised?” That question ignores the reality of how much water actually exists and leads to endless litigation, as Babbitt explained.
Delta stakeholders were asked for, and contributed, portfolio project ideas. But no meaningful proposals from the Delta were included. If the bargain is to be truly “Grand” let’s get everyone’s best ideas, not just the powerful water interests who created the current mess.
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