Stockton has been Michael Blower’s home all his life. He fell in love with this community as a young boy, playing with friends, attending church and local schools. From a young age, Michael understood the quality of Stockton is its heart and soul. While Stockton has its challenges, Stocktonians always stick together.
Growing up in a tight-knit family, Michael was taught the value of hard work and loving his neighbors. The lessons learned from his parents would fuel his passion for serving and investing time in others. After graduating from college, he returned to his hometown to work and raise a family here. Yet, his greatest blessing was working side-by-side with his fellow Stockton residents to better our city.
Last year, after much encouragement, prayer, and discussion with his wife Tiffany, Michael realized the next step in helping his community was public service. At that time, he decided to seek the open seat on Stockton’s City Council. With his daughters in high school, Michael had more time to listen to his fellow residents about what they wanted to see from Stockton’s government. While he had a list of priorities for our city, listening to others enhanced that vision.
Stockton has had a tough couple of decades. With bankruptcy in the rearview mirror, Stockton must now deal with a statewide homeless crisis and the aftermath of a nationwide pandemic.
“Our number one priority must be keeping our neighbors protected,” said Michael, who has the support of both Stockton Police Officers and Firefighters. “Our first responders are on the front lines ensuring our community is safe. These men and women worked tirelessly during the nationwide stay-at-home order and the subsequent public health crisis while combating crime, fires, and other emergencies.”
Michael understands a significant contributor to our crime rate is Stockton’s homeless. “We must start moving those living on the street to available shelter beds,” explained Michael. “Working with faith-based organizations, we can expand homeless services while giving our homeless options to get assistance. This includes mental health treatment and drug rehabilitation programs.” Michael believes that ignoring the homeless while they try to survive without the fundamental necessities is not compassionate. Yet he also feels strongly that we can enhance our community’s quality of life by ensuring that the residents of Stockton can work, shop, and recreate without being harassed or hindered by our homeless.
“We must also do all we can to support and promote Stockton’s small business community,” declares Michael when discussing local businesses. A small business owner himself, he saw the hit small businesses took during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, many of his fellow small business owners did not make it, and many still struggle today. “Stockton must continue to look at all options to assist our current businesses while maintaining a business-friendly environment to help entrepreneurs realize their long-held dream of business ownership.”
Michael knows we can only achieve our full potential through teamwork. Supported by the majority of the Stockton City Council, including Mayor Kevin Lincoln, Vice-Mayor Christina Fugazi, and Councilmember Dan Wright, Michael has shown he can work with current council members to accomplish the important things Stockton requires.
“We need the people of Stockton to let their voices be heard,” said Blower. “I learned much speaking to my neighbors about where they thought Stockton could do better. Only by bringing everyone to the table and listening to all perspectives will our diverse city find solutions to our problems.”
Michael can’t wait to roll up his sleeves and get to work in remaking Stockton City Government, so our city’s quality of life can improve, and Stockton can become a better place for all families.
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