Kirstjen Nielsen, the Secretary of the Department of National Security (DHS) and face of President Donald Trump’s current campaign against illegal immigration, could not stand the pressure anymore and resigned after a meeting with the President at the House on Sunday. Blanca “The Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, will step down and I would like to thank her for her service,” Trump said on Twitter. Next step Trump announced his replacement on Twitter. “I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAleenan, the current Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection of the United States, will become Acting Secretary of @ DHSgov. I trust Kevin will do a great job! “ Kirstjen Nielsen leaves the position after a difficult step by the direction of DHS, management that turned it into the target of repeated critics on the part of president Trump and several members of his cabinet. The move comes days after Trump, who has repeatedly expressed his anger over the increase in migrants on the southern border, was appalled and withdrew his candidate Ron Vitiello to direct ICE because he was looking for a more “aggressive” official in against illegal immigration. For many in Washington the Nielsen exit is not a surprise after repeated criticism of Trump for his dissatisfaction with the official due to the increase in immigrants entering the United States illegally through the southern border. Last May, six months after taking office in the department, The New York Times reported that Nielsen had drafted his resignation letter after being publicly reprimanded for what the president called his failure to help stop illegal immigration in border. According to the New York newspaper, Stephen Miller, Trump’s main adviser on immigration issues, would have been given the task of increasing the pressure and complaints about Nielsen, accusing her of not finding creative ways to stop the entry of Central American immigrants to US soil. Likewise, Jared Kushner, Trump’s adviser and brother-in-law, also did not look favorably on Nielsen’s continuity in the direction of DHS, increasing the pressure for the official to step aside, several White House officials said. All these factors would have led Nielsen, after a hectic meeting with Trump in the White House this Sunday, to decide to resign.
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